
Lirik lagu Angels Like You Miley Cyrus

Senin, 25 Mar 2024, 10:21:41 WIB - 251 View
Lirik lagu Angels Like You Miley Cyrus

Lagu Angels Like You yang di miliki oleh Miley Cyrus diilis tepat saat dirayakannya Hari perempuan sedunia. Dalam lirik tersebut menceritakan penyesalan yang kuat saat adanya hal buruk yang menyerang dalam hubungan mereka.

Lirik Angels Like You

Mmm, mmm, mmm
Flowers in hand, waiting for (me)
Every word in poetry
Wont call (me) by name, only "baby"
The more that you give, the less that I need

Everyone says I look happy
When it feels right

I know that youre wrong for (me)
Gonna wish we never met on the day I leave
I brought you down to your knees
'Cause they say that misery loves company
Its not your fault I ruin everything
And its not your fault I cant be what you need
Baby, angels like you cant fly down hell with (me)
Im everything they said I would be

Im everything they said I would be

Ill put you down slow, love you goodbye
Before you let go, just one more time
Take off your clothes, pretend that its fine
A little more hurt wont kill you

Tonight, mother says, "You dont look happy"
Close your eyes

I know that youre wrong for (me)
Gonna wish we never met on the day I leave
I brought you down to your knees
'Cause they say that misery loves company
Its not your fault I ruin everything
And its not your fault I cant be what you need
Baby, angels like you cant fly down hell with (me)
Im everything they said I would be

I know that youre wrong for (me)
Gonna wish we never met on the day I leave
I brought you down to your knees
'Cause they say that misery loves company
Its not your fault I ruin everything (everything)
And its not your fault I cant be what you need
Baby, angels like you cant fly down hell with (me), oh

Angels like you cant fly down hell with (me)

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